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KISS聽歌輕鬆學英文 Daniel Powter – Do You Wanna Get Lucky

Daniel Powter – Do You Wanna Get Lucky

1. lucky (adj.) 幸運的
ex: I just won the lottery! Oh I am so lucky!

2. take a chance (片語.) 冒險、試試看
ex: You should step out of your comfort zone. Come on, take a chance!

3. roll the dice (俚語) 擲骰子,引申為碰碰運氣、試試看
ex: I don’t know if we will make it or not, but sometimes you just have to roll the dice.

4. skinny dip (n.) (v.) 裸泳
ex: They like to sunbathe on the beach and skinny dip in the ocean.

週一 凌晨2:00、早上6:00、晚上8:45
週二 凌晨0:00、凌晨5:00、晚上8:45
週三 凌晨2:00、早上6:00、晚上8:45
週四 凌晨0:00、早上5:00、晚上8:45
週五 早上6:00、晚上8:45
週六 早上8:00、晚上9:00
週日 早上6:00、早上8:00、晚上9:00